
Discover how you can use this modular technology to build key genesis on-chain communication dApps or learn how to use already deployed BlockCommunicator, 4P Super App, W3XShare, or PX Drive.

Onboard by Learning

  1. Read the [Immu3] Thesis

  2. Explore the infra-stack code: [4thTech], [Immu3], [PollinationX]

  3. Browse through the [Immu3] Library

Onboard by Building

  1. One-click Deploy BlockMail or BlockChat White labels, Launch the Integrator Dashboard (TBA)

  2. Build your BlockMail, BlockChat or Data file sharing dApp

  3. Plug-in to decentralized storage

Onboard by Experimenting

  1. Connect your wallet and test drive the white-label-based integrator [4P] Email & Chat Super App

  2. Connect your wallet and test drive the white-label-based [BlockCommunicator] BlockMail & BlockChat App (TBA)

  3. Connect your wallet and test drive the self-custodial integrator [W3XShare] data-sharing App

  4. Connect your wallet and test drive the [PX Drive] decentralized storage “cloud storage like” App

Last updated