PollinationX Decentralized Storage Infra

While the OCC SDK integrators can utilize custom storage options, the PollinationX decentralized storage infra is set as a default.

Let's Start

Because there was no available out-of-the-box solution, PollinationX (i.e. PX) was developed by a separate team within the CR Systems. PX also acts as a stand-alone solution, otherwise powering various integrator email, messaging and data file transfer use cases.


  • Self-custodial storage

  • Communication data is accessible only to the private key owner

  • Integrator APIs and SDK tooling

  • IPFS, BTFS, and FileCoin (phases 1 & 2) support

  • Multi-chain availability

  • Based on EVM, TypeScript and Solidity frameworks

  • Monetization via data package dynamic PX NFTs and PX Bandwidth

Usage with the OCC SDK

For detailed usage instructions of this package, please refer to the wiki.

However, a brief overview is provided below:

import { PollinationX } from '@4thtech-sdk/storage';

After importing, you can use the package as required by your project.


Last updated