Fees & Integrator Economics
Total user cost equals the sum of the L1/L2 transaction gas, the protocol fee and the storage cost.
Let's Start
Web3 mainly works based on the PAYGO (i.e. pay-as-you-go) transaction model, meaning the user has to pay for every mail, message, or data-sharing transaction. To make on-chain communication more viable, work is being done that will parallel to PAYGO also enable subscription-based models, so the users can pay a monthly subscription fee to access block space and communicate without the hurdle of paying for every transaction.
Fees within the Protocol
Parallel to the underlying L1/L2 transaction gas cost, the service fees (i.e. protocol fees) are also settled on the smart contract level and are applicable for every mail, message or data file-sharing transaction. Total user cost equals the sum of the L1/L2 transaction gas and service fees and the cost of decentralized storage. Both, the gas and service fees converge and manifest as one end-user communication transaction fee. Fees are handled by the [AppFeeManager] smart contract.
Fee Table
Register Encryptor
≈ 0.004POL
≈ 0.0015S
≈ 0.0059FTM
≈ 0.014ROSE
Send Mail
≈ 0.016POL
≈ 0.0061S
≈ 0.025FTM
≈ 0.061ROSE
Send Data file Package
≈ 0.016POL
≈ 0.0061S
≈ 0.025FTM
≈ 0.061ROSE
Send Message
≈ 0.013POL
≈ 0.005S
≈ 0.02FTM
≈ 0.05ROSE
Create Group
≈ 0.02POL
≈ 0.01S
≈ 0.04FTM
≈ 0.1ROSE
Mint free package or new storage
≈ 0.1POL
≈ 0.038S
≈ 0.15FTM
≈ 0.38ROSE
Mint Bandwidth
≈ 0.02POL
≈ 0.009S
≈ 0.03FTM
≈ 0.086ROSE
Upgrade Package
≈ 0.03POL
≈ 0.01S
≈ 0.05FTM
≈ 0.12ROSE
*Note: Crypto prices are estimated and calculated based on; (1) Sonic 10 GWei; (2) Fantom 41 GWei, and; (3) Oasis 100 GWei gas price. The "Send message" gas limit is based on the length of the message. The "Create Group" gas limit depends on the number of members in the group and the encryption variable. Table calculation is based on a two-member encrypted group. References to USD prices are made for approximate fiat value illustration purposes only.
User cost calculation estimate per message transaction
Let's assume that:
Blockchain fees = ~0.009$ FTM ≡
Service base-fee = ~0.0025$ FTM ≡
Service dApp-owner-fee = ~0.0025$ FTM... ≡
Total user cost = ~0.014$ FTM... ≡
Integrator Economics
OCC Protocol v.1 build-in monetization layers enable independent integrator economics, permitting developers to focus on application UI/UX features. Level-1
integrators can set the desired protocol base fees, while Level-2
integrators can set and manage their protocol dApp-owner fees.
Monetization Schematic
Last updated