Intro to Decentralized Data File Sharing

Communicate P2P or exchange large files globally without fear of security breaches.

True Decentralized Data File Sharing

W3XShare is Immu3's integrator answer to P2P data file sharing. It is changing the way how large and sensitive data is transferred in a decentralized manner. It leverages blockchain networks, decentralized storage and communication protocols, to provide a secure and efficient solution for encrypted data transfer between wallets.

OCC-based data file sharing is data-heavy, thus processing it completely on-chain is not viable. In contrast, lite encrypted JSON objects are created to hold the data file-sharing package metadata. The link to this metadata and checksum is recorded on the chain as a blockchain transaction; 1 data file exchange package = 1 L1/L2-TX.


  • Pseudonymous communication via Web3 login

  • Multi-chain wallet interoperability via MetaMask, Coinbase or Wallet Connect

  • Robust and resistant to Web2 data mining, data ownership loss & phishing

  • Self-custodial and immutable

  • On-chain verifiable

  • E2E encrypted

  • No centralized point of failure

  • Data and media file sharing via decentralized storage

  • PAYGO monetization model


Composed of; (1) subject; (2) content, and; (3) attachment, the data file sharing package can be from a few kilobytes to 100 gigabytes in size. The data file sharing size is limited to the storage size of PX Storage NFT available in the user's wallet. Based on the [Mails] smart contract, SDKs, PX decentralized storage service and white-label framework, the W3XShare UI showcases the UI/UX for future on-chain data file transfers.

Technical Stack Schematic

Fork & Deploy your on-chain data file-sharing App 🚀


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